Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The first days of "real" work

I weedwhacked a forest yesterday. Or, at least, what could only be described as a forest. We have a 6 acre corn maze on the property that is used throughout the month of October for an event we host called Maizefest. Thing is, they build the maze wayyy before then and nobody takes care of it apparently (that's when the slaves come in). They sent three of us interns into the maze along with Matt and a few weedwhackers (cleverly named Bessie, Shaniqua and DixE) to cut down the overgrowth (some of which was about 3-4 feet high. It reminded me of weedwhacking around the golf course for hours on end. I don't miss it all that much, but it did feel good to get dirty again. Even though we spent all day in the maze, we only got 3/4 of the way done (the last quarter doesn't look fun at all.....) and have to go back in sometime later this week. Hopefully I get to work with the two I worked with yesterday (Sarah and Taco, you are too funny). The rest of the interns got to pick weeds out of a labyrinth used for prayer walks. Its full of gravel and has no real place to sit. I felt bad for them; I highly dislike picking weeds. Its probably my least favorite activity to do, other than running.

After a day of hard work, all of us went to Chic-Fil-A (out favorite place to eat as a group apparently) and headed to a coffeehouse where a bunch of people from the Ranch go to hang out every Tuesday. I'm not sure how often I'll go with them on that... I mean, the music was cool (its open mic night-- one suggestion the flyer gives is proposing marriage, we found that humorous) but the place is too new-agey with weird art and stuff. It feels very business-like, not homey at all. Come in, do what you need to and get out. That's what it feels like. It's kind of like Barney's apartment in How I Met Your Mother mixed with Joey's first apartment by himself in Friends. Very odd.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Monday night. All the interns (minus Taco- he had dinner plans with his adopted family) went out to Sakura and got some sushi. Sarah had never eaten sushi before but she seemed to really enjoy her first experience. That's more than most people can say. We'll see how she likes the sashimi when we go again =D. When we came back we all met at the girls place to watch The Prestige. I love that movie, so does everyone else. I wouldn't mind watching it on a daily basis.

REMINDER: WAH, you need to buy that movie. Go find it. Cheap.

That about sums it up for now. I'm helpin Doug today in the kitchen and I gotta get started. Have a great day everyone!

Love you all,


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